
Gum Bottle 300 Ml

Tape Dispenser Big

Tape Dispenser Small

Cello Tape Mini

Plastic Sutli Rope


CD Cover Plastic

Floppy Disk

CD R Jewel Case

Calculator MJ120

Plastic Folder L shape

Use and Throw Pen Blue Natraj

Use and Throw Pen Black Natraj

Use and Throw Pen Red Natraj

Cello Jolly Pen Blue

Sketch Pen Assorted

Sketch Pen Black

Sharpener Natraj

Eraser Natraj

Pencil Natraj

OHP Marker Asst

Highlighter Asst.

Cobra File

Post-it-Pad 2" x 3"

Post-it-Pad 3" x 3"

Post-it-Pad 3" x 4"

Post-it-Pad 3" x 5"


Spiral Pad A/5 (Small)

Spiral Pad B/5 (Medium)

Spiral Note Book A/4 (Big)

White Board Duster Magnetic

CD - R (10CD Pack)

CD-RW Jewel Case

Duracell AA

Duracell AAA

Battery Cell AA

Index File PVC

Legal Paper F/S Green

Writing Pad A/4 (Big)